April 23, 2000
April 19, 2000
April 2, 2000
March 11, 2000
February 29, 2000
February 26, 2000
February 2, 2000
January 30, 2000
January 14, 2000
January 12, 2000
January 11, 2000
December 18, 1999
December 12, 1999
December 8, 1999
December 6, 1999
November 28, 1999
November 11, 1999
November 5, 1999
October 30, 1999
Sept. 4 - Oct. 28


  Sunday, April 23rd

Do you feel lonely? Need to burn a couple of minutes of spare time? Like chinese girls? Then call Chris Fong (aka. the chi-pimp) at 1-900-AZN-PIMP. And for the girls??? Chris has a message for you: "Where's my money biatch???"             -Magua

I'm still looking for one or two dedicated people to assist with the development of this page. As you've noticed, updates don't come often anymore. YOU could be doing these updates everyday... No html/java/shockwave experience necessary, applicants should have creative ideas and should be willing to learn. If this sounds like you, contact me, Derek Gaw, anytime in the near future.

  Wednesday, April 19th

I would like to start off by saying that Jon gave me permission to post this picture up. It is not intended for blackmail, embarassment, or potentially malicious purposes. Let's just hope Mr. Lawrence doesn't stumble across this l'il page for a while. :)

I've been looking around lately for cool BBS, but all the free ones are pretty weak. A cool one, Ultimate BBS costs $25 bucks a year. I think I'll buy a license for it when all advantage pays me, but until then, c'est dommage.

Two new webpages have been posted by members of our grade: Sanford's Fonger's webpage (??) comprises mainly of Fonger's ICQ top 20's, and the initial robotics 2000-1 page is up for all those interested in the club.

I'm still looking for one or two dedicated people to assist with the development of this page. As you've noticed, updates don't come often anymore. YOU could be doing these updates everyday... No html/java/shockwave experience necessary, applicants should have creative ideas and should be willing to learn. If this sounds like you, contact me, Derek Gaw, anytime in the near future.

  Sunday, April 2nd

Sadly, spring break is pulling into its final stretch, and the impending thoughts of school and exams return to our minds... =( Hopefully, you all enjoyed it while it lasted; I know I did!

The European band tour returned a little over three days ago. We all had a great time touring Germany and Austria with our friends, learning about different cultures and meeting new people. By my next update, I should have my fifty-odd pictures i took, developed and posted right here for everybody to see!

I'm looking for one or two dedicated people to assist with the development of this page. No html/java/shockwave experience necessary, applicants should have creative ideas and should be willing to learn. If this sounds like you, contact me, Derek Gaw, anytime in the near future.

  Saturday, March 11th

Okay! Everyone is back from their various trips... whether it be watching Weiss get stuffed in New York or watching Warren and Steph get their groove on in Hamilton. I admit that whatever was done was better than school. But now we are back to the normal hell called school. Don't worry! Only one more week!

- Magua Parsons

  Tuesday, February 29th

Leap-day! (a.k.a. Y2K's revenge) A group of us are off to UNIS (United Nations International School conference). Be back next Monday!

Re. J. Lai: Where's Webby?

  Saturday, February 26th

Well... didn't those last twenty-four days just fly by? Sure they did. Anyway, I've really been too busy to keep up with this page and I've come to realize that that won't change, so for the time being, updates will be few and far in between.

With that said, I won't totally neglect this site... I found some awesome 'demotivators' while surfing and I think I'm gonna use them to replace the daily section. Hope you enjoy them, and good luck in third term! :)

Re. J. Lai: Where's Webby?

  Thursday, February 2nd

Groundhog Day! Mid-term is approaching and we all know what that means... Yes! More tests! More projects! joy... Whether you're dosing off during one of Skinner's lectures, or folding origami roses in math, you can actually feel the assignments increasing in numbers and size (like zits actually). God forbid that students have liesure time... perish the thought...

Well then, time is certainly of the essence, but for hose of you who think otherwise, there are several games out just waiting to suck up your time and money like an irksome blackhole. As many of you already know, Final Fantasy 8, the latest installment in the series was recently released for the PC. If that doesn't cater to your tastes, then Soldier of Fortune most definitely will; it is easily one of the more realistically gorier titles out there, if you ever feel a need to recreate the Columbine incident.

Goodbye to the Chicago MUN people. And may Weiss somehow get left behind and throw a pissy fit.

Check out some new, but disturbing additions to the stupid sayings , and a revamped HOT & NOT list. Keep on submitting those Top 10 ICQ Chatting Buddies!

  Monday, January 30th

I've been 'peer-pressured' into updating this page again, so here goes. Following Fong's faithul advice, I've updated the feature:

Grad01 is having a new feature about YOUR top 10 chatting buddies. Send in a list of the names of the 10 people you chat with most on ICQ and the number of messages exchanged between the two of you.

Here's how to find out: Open up the "Message Archive" from the ICQ Menu and then click on "Edit" -> "Advanced Find" on the menu bar. Use the drop down From/To menu to select a person who you know you've chatted with a lot and click "Find Now" (Make sure "Type" is set to "All Types" and the "Message Body" field is empty. As well, make sure both the "Recieved/Sent" checkboxes are unchecked). When the search is complete a list will drop down and at the top left hand corner of the list it will say "Found X Events". X is the number of messages you have exchanged over ICQ.

Just send me your top 10 on ICQ (3680741) and I'll be more than happy to post them up!

  Friday, January 14th

Well, the first week of school is almost over (just hang in there...). Even with the excessive workload, I still take time to update this page. Guess who has his priorities out of order? Anyway, I have another section of jokes up cuz it seems like that's the only popular section of my page, and I've also added some more links for those of you into tech and/or e-commerce.

Hey, if you have the time and the connection, go download 3dMark 2000, a benchmarker of your system's performance. My P2 333mhz with 64mb SDRAM and a Monster 3D II getup was able to score a 1068 (pretty slow I know). Test your system today!

  Wednesday, January 12th

I can't believe it. We've hardly had less than day of school, and already I have a hellish workload. Don't teachers have anything better to do over the holidays than scheme up evil ways to waste our time? Guess not.

Check out the updated HOT & NOT courtesy of Louis Lam, our residing "extravagant spender"

  Tuesday, January 11th

Happy New Year!! School has started again, and that sucks. Maybe it'll be snowed out for once...

Anyway, I promise to keep updating frequently... *smirk* heeehahahaa... I crack myself up.

Oh yeah, and Scarrow, shut up.

  Sunday, December 18th

Woohoo!!! Schools finally over!!! Tomorrow, I'm off to Las Vegas and San Francisco so don't expect any updates until I'm back on January 3rd.

The House Supper was awesome... actually, only the grad skit and the christmas spirit water sketch was. The other ones just plain sucked. I you didn't go, you missed out on a lot! I totally recommend going next year!

Oh yeah, and Sanford, shut up.

13 days until the end of the millenium!

  Sunday, December 12th

Apparently, Dan Scarrow has recalled his page. It's not there anymore. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? No worries though, cuz I updated it anyway.

This coming week is going to cause me more stress than exam week. This sux. I wish they wouldn't have this three week period where teachers "try" to make us do work and consequently swamp us with homework. Major updates will be scarce this coming week. I'll try to learn some PERL script so that I can get a bulletin board over the holidays, but I promise nothing. I guess that pretty much wraps it up.

Oh yeah, and Sanford, shut up.

19 days until the end of the millenium!

  Wednesday, December 8th

How's this for consistent updating? I don't see Dan doing anything! Bah, humbug. Since we've all read the feature article now, I'm replacing it with a little bit of literature an anonymous person wrote at Exeter named Mag... Oops... did I say that out loud? Well, read it for yourself, but I warn you, do so at your own risk.

Check out the new batch of jokes!

23 days until the end of the millenium!

  Monday, December 6th

Bitch, bitch, bitch... So I'm a hypocrite. So what? Well. Due to my inaction, Dan Scarrow has requested access to some administration of this page. Thus, I've decided to forfeit control of the school department to him. If he keeps his word unlike myself, that part of the page should be consistently updated.

Check out the new additions to the stupid sayings!

25 days until the end of the millenium!

  Sunday, November 28th

Exams are over!!! ...but we have to get them back now...the lesser of two evils I guess. Also, check out that new 3D Grad 2001 title in the top-left corner of the screen. Very slick. Now that I have more time on my hands again, I'll be a little more consistent in the maintainence of this page.

Only 33 days until the end of the millenium!

  Thursday, November 11th
I can't believe they make us come to school today... No fair...

11 days and counting until exams. I'd start studying now folks. That's it for today.

  Friday, November 5th
Thank God It's Friday!!! I've been a tad busy over the last week and this is the first free time I've had in four days. Firstly, I've finally made a school section. It's in its preliminary stages, so check it out and tell me what you think.

Thanks to all those people who have submitted jokes. I'll post those up along with another batch of brand new ones over the weekend.

And Magua, enough with the homophobia. We all understand that you're highly insecure about your sexuality, but the jokes and guise are just getting old. Thanx in advance.

'_Saturday, October 30th
BATMAN!!!! Batman!!! batman... Ok... that grew old quickly.