Table of Contents:
> Introduction
    A Brief History
    A Brief History II
How We Define Time:
    Defining Time
    Arbitrary Time
How Time Defines Us:
    Our Origins
    Personal Roles


    Contact Me

The Origins and Implications of Time

Who am I? Where did I come from? These questions are fundamental, yet any answer to them consistently invites controversy. In Origins: Contested Identities, we approached the issue from various perspectives and disciplines ranging from anthropology to philosophy. As we learned, the quest for beginnings is far from over; this seemingly simple question is adroit, consistently evading a definitive solution. Moreover, it is inseparably entwined with other, more difficult, inquiries. In defining origins as an event that occurred in the past, as a point in time prior to the present, the question of “What is time?” ultimately arises.

ClockWhat is the nature of time? Does it have a beginning? Does it have an end? Is it infinite or limited? Absolute or relative? How and why do we perceive it? These questions have long puzzled philosophers and scientists alike. Yet, in our daily lives we take time for granted, hardly ever considering its implications or processes. In terms of origins, the relevant question is then, “How does time contribute to the construction of our own identity?” Before delving into this subject, however, it is first important to observe how we define time, both in the past and at the present. Then, and only then, can we begin to consider how time defines us.

A Brief History >>

"To me it's a question of being able to look backward and give the present a root... To give meaning to where we are today, we need to look at where we've have come from."
- Richard Leakey, in National Geographic, February 1998

Epiphany Entertainment © 2001